[How To] HTC Sonata hard reset

Restarting your HTC Sonata Phone

Occasionally, you may want to restart your phone, for example, when a program is not performing properly or the
phone does not respond to any keypresses.

To restart the phone

1. Remove the battery.
2. Reinsert the battery and turn on your phone.
If the phone is restarted while a program is running, unsaved work will be lost.
HTC Sonata hard reset

Resetting your HTC Sonata Phone

Resetting your phone will remove all the data from the its memory which include contacts, tasks, calendar
appointments, and more, and restore the phone back to the factory default settings.

To reset your phone

1. Click Start > More > More > Accessories > Clear Storage.
2. Follow the on-screen instructions to reset the phone.
The phone will restart after it has been reset.


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